Jonathan Bessone
Energy Healer, Teacher, Coach & FacilitatorHelping you awaken to your ‘medicine’ so you can serve and shine
Awaken To Your ‘Medicine’.
The World is thirsty for it!
My Story
I’ve been blessed to have learned from many gifted teachers and healers. It didn’t happen by accident; I sought them out. On the one hand, I was motivated by a vision of my own potential and the potential of humanity, on the other hand I was driven by the discomfort of my own life. As a teenager I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin, though I covered that up with somewhat grandiose feelings of specialness. Looking back, I can see that I had deep feelings of unworthiness and unlovability.
Because I felt somehow broken inside, I became a self-help book junkie. Then I moved on to workshop junkie and finally on to a “modality junkie”, learning every healing technique that I could. I accumulated knowledge and skills, which I’m grateful for, but there was always an undercurrent of trying to fix what I felt was “wrong” with me.
Along the way, I discovered that I had a lot of judgements that were damaging to myself and my relationships. I had to train myself to recognize these subtle or unconscious judgements. I learned how to release them, or even transform them into kindness and compassion. I started to develop a deep trust of my own wholeness, goodness and lovability. Of course, liking myself more also meant a deeper connection to my fellow human beings.
Deepening trust in myself and my own essential goodness was the key that brought together everything I had learned. I found who I am as a human and as a healer. And it all translates into the ability to hold my clients with greater trust in their ability to transform and realize who they are really meant to be.
My Values & Beliefs
There is nothing 'wrong' with you that needs to be fixed.
Most human beings struggle with some version of the core beliefs “I am not good enough” or “I am unloveable.” And we tend to cover that up with striving to be perfect or somehow being “better” than we are. We shame and guilt ourselves for what’s wrong with us. We can transform our self-judgements with kindness and compassion and when we do, we reveal our true nature.
I have an unshakeable belief in your essential goodness
Your own true nature is essentially good, kind, whole, and compassionate. You may be tied up by your defense mechanisms. Your hangups, defenses and habitual patterns are protecting what is most precious – your tender human heart, your source of infinite love. As we honor the original purpose of these patterns, the need for outdated guardedness falls away, allowing your core essence to express confidently in the world.
When you remember your true nature, you reveal your 'medicine', which is the most joyous and natural expression of who you are.
As you learn to rest in yourself with a more potent healing presence this increases your leverage to support clients in their healing and transformation.
Jonathan Bessone
Jonathan Bessone is the co-founder of Embodied Awakening, which is a path to living from one’s true essence in a way that is grounded, authentic, joyful, and full of heart.
He is also a co-founder of Thriving Healers, which teaches healers, therapists, and coaches how to make a great living doing what they love.
Jonathan started on his healing path 25 years ago as a fire walker and breath worker and has been redefining transformational work ever since. Having trained in dozens of therapeutic modalities, Jonathan brings a rare depth and breadth of experience to his work. Having taught in the United States and internationally in New Zealand, China, Taiwan and Japan, he is currently in his 12th year of teaching with the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
Over the years Jonathan has helped thousands of practitioners develop their personal healing gifts and authentic leadership skills. His private practice is focused on mentoring healers, coaches, and teachers of transformation, assisting each in making the journey from beginner to master practitioner.